झारखण्ड धार्मिक बोकारो

Through the worship of meditation, the basic philosophy of the physical mind is achieved: Swami Pradeep Ji

Bokaro (Khaber AajTak): Advanced meditation course was concluded today by Art of Living Bokaro Chapter at Kripa Bhawan, Art of Living Center, Sector 4. This meditation camp was taken by Swami Shri Pradeep Ji, a Gujarat resident teacher who came from Bengaluru Ashram, in which More than 30 Art of Living followers participated.In this thing, come and learn about the benefits of spontaneous meditation. The program was held under the chairmanship of Vinod Gupta and teacher Mallika De. On the occasion, Swami Pradeep ji said that there are many benefits of meditation, through the worship of meditation, the basic philosophy of the physical mind is achieved. Meditation increases the energy consciousness and life force in the body. Art of Living family including PC Mishra, Brijesh Sinha, Rekha Choudhary, Kiran Mishra, Varsha Kusum Gupta, Sunil Chugh, Jindal ji were present on the occasion.

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